Feeding Workforce Skills

  • 6.

  • 5. Becoming an employer of choice.

    Once you have good people and people with potential in your workforce, you want to keep and develop them.

    Engaged and motivated team members enjoy their jobs, do them well and look forward to turning up every day. In turn, this drives productivity, better products or services, and innovation.

  • 4. Bring the right people into your business.

    Attracting the right people into your team is key.

    They are your ambassadors, innovators, coaches and cheerleaders and it’s your people that will help your business survive and thrive.

  • 3. Apprenticeships Resources

    Upskill your workforce

    Hands up if you think an apprentice is a teenager joining the workplace for the first time? ✋

    Then you are underestimating the power of apprenticeships to transform your workforce, regardless of their age and skillset.

  • 2. Workforce Planning Resources

    Workforce planning: don’t be caught out

    We all know that lurch of anxiety when someone unexpectedly hands in their notice. A bit of time and effort spent on workforce planning means you shouldn’t be rushing around trying to fix the situation with makeshift solutions.

    This article highlights useful resources to put you on the workforce planning path to becoming more resilient, successful and ultimately profitable.

  • 1. Grow Your Own Resources

    New resource helps food and drink employers Feed their Workforce Skills

    As a food & drink employer, are you using the full talent potential of your existing workforce?

    From funding to top tips, checklists to training guides, our article on growing your own talent can help you make the most of your workforce.